
Most Influential Promo Products in Canadian Provinces

We asked consumers throughout Canada how their opinion of the advertiser would change if they received a certain type of promotional product. While all promotional products generate positive reactions, there are differences by province. For instance, in two of the biggest provinces of B.C. and Ontario, Drinkware is most influential, while in Alberta and the maritime provinces, Performance wear is Number 1. Stay tuned for much more data as we roll-out the findings from the 2017 Ad Impressions study.

Most Influential Promo Products in Canadian Provinces

Most Influential Promo Products in Canadian Provinces

Most Influential Promo Products in Canadian Provinces

Most Influential Promo Products in Canadian Provinces

Most Influential Promo Products in Canadian Provinces

Most Influential Promo Products in Canadian Provinces

The ASI Ad Impressions Study was first launched in 2006 to give our members data that they can use to show to their client’s what we all know, that promotional products work in driving value, recognition and consideration for brands of all types and sizes. Over the last 2 years we have surveyed more than 200,000 consumers worldwide about their views on promotional products.