
‘Beat The Freeze’ Baseball Promo Is A Hilarious Home Run

“The Freeze” has become a viral sensation to the delight of the Atlanta Braves and sponsor RaceTrac.

No sport in America does fun, nutty (in a good way!) promotions better than baseball.

While minor league teams bring the zany something heavy, Major League Baseball has its share of gems, too.

Case-in-point: “Beat The Freeze” by the Atlanta Braves.

Quick version:

RaceTrac, a regional convenience store and Braves sponsor, wanted to get attention for the “Numbskull,” a frozen drink the chain carries. Cue “The Freeze” – a Braves staffer dressed in goggles and full blue/white body suit branded with RaceTrac…or, in our mind, a kind of ice-breathing quasi-superhero from some frigid planet where everyone loves them some Numbskulls.

Anyway, central to the promotion, is that The Freeze – who is wicked fast -- races fans around the Braves’ warning track. Fans get a head start, but as the above video shows, that doesn’t amount to much when it comes to racing The Freeze. As these things sometimes go, the promotion went viral, earning the Braves and RaceTrac great exposure. For real: Social media was worth more than $220,000 in exposure to RaceTrac, thanks to the LED banner running during a recent race, ESPN reported.

For the curious, The Freeze is actually Nigel Talton, a member of the Braves ground crew. ESPN reports he’s a former track star. We definitely buy that after watching him run. Another thing we would buy? A “The Freeze” bobblehead to sit on the mantle alongside our Bryce Harper man-turkey (“manurkey”?) “Gobblehead.” Dear Braves: Make it happen!

Christopher Ruvo

Executive Editor, Counselor

Chris inks Counselor’s cover stories and much more besides, but isn’t the greatest third-person bio writer. He is, however, proud to have the promotional bobblehead beat cornered. Prior to joining ASI, he was a newspaper reporter, covering everything from capital murder trials and government corruption to, most intimidating of all, kindergarten art shows.