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Brighten Your Sales With Adult Coloring Books

Millions of coloring books are being sold annually for adults… not their children. How can you get in on the retail craze? Here are some tips.

If you haven’t picked up a coloring pencil already, soon you will to write more sales. Adult coloring books are a wildly popular trend that has media from Vogue magazine to the New York Post reporting its stress-busting benefits. “What initially caught our interest was the media coverage on the topic,” says Andy Bertram, VP of Marketing at Fields Manufacturing. “After a bit more research, we found that retail versions were listed as best-sellers on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.”

With Fields already publishing over 100 coloring book titles for children, adding its Color Comfort product line was a natural fit. The collection currently consists of three topics: flowers, birds and animals. “We are already developing additional titles because of the excitement generated from the first major shows of the year,” Bertram says. For stock titles, you can put an imprint on the front of the cover. “Just like our children’s coloring books, we can offer custom story lines, topics and illustrations,” he continues.

Get in on the trend by promoting coloring books to your clients. The potential audience is vast. Adult coloring books are being sold at pharmacies, book stores, grocery stores and the big online retailers. The interest is far and wide. Coloring Comfort products are each designed to relieve stress and promote creativity. The decorative, intricate designs are accompanied by inspirational messages, and the finished works of art can be hung in an office or displayed at home.

In your sales presentation, discuss the many benefits of the activity. “The main purpose of these coloring books is for relaxation,” Bertram says. “These would fit into any market or campaign that is promoting mental health, wellness and relaxation.” A sampling of potential clients includes:

  • Health care – promoting healthy habits
  • Assisted living – welcome gifts
  • Senior centers – keeping minds active
  • Rehabilitation – encouragement
  • Colleges/Universities – recruiting
  • High schools – take a break from your phone
  • Corporate team building – exercises/seminars/workshops
  • Wellness programs – fitness goals and motivation
  • Nonprofits – build awareness or use as donor gifts
  • Resort/Gift shops – a perfect way to remember a vacation

The great thing about coloring books is their ability to engage and hold attention. Coloring becomes a healthy habit. Whether the target is a frequent flyer relaxing on a plane or a busy parent waiting for soccer practice to end, coloring books are picked up, used and kept for weeks, if not months. Some enthusiastic colorers even post their completed designs online. Cost per impression becomes extremely appealing when you weigh potential exposure against product price. Color Comfort books are printed in the United States and retail for just over a dollar, making them an extremely good deal.

“Samples are the best way to start the conversation, allowing the client to see the attractive illustrations, high perceived value and let them try for themselves,” Bertram says. Don’t be afraid to recommend imaginative applications. Creative directors can hand them out to designers and copywriters to unleash their creativity – a sort of warmup for brainstorming. The coloring books could be part of a contest, i.e. a wellness program focused on stress management could prompt participants to turn in their colored designs for prizes. Add on colored pencils or markers to extend the value of your order. The applications for Color Comfort books are endless – just like your imagination. Learn more at

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