
Top 40 Suppliers 2017: No. 40 Ariel Premium Supply Inc.

Counselor’s exclusive ranking of the suppliers with the most revenue in the promo products market.

Ariel Premium Supply Inc. (asi/36730)

In its second year on the Top 40 list, Ariel slips two spots despite generating near double-digit growth in 2016. Its 2016 sales of nearly $43 million are the highest ever total for a supplier ranked number 40.

Top 40 Suppliers 2017: No. 40 Ariel Premium Supply Inc.

2016 Rank: 38

2016 Revenue: $42.9

2015 Revenue: $39.4

Percent change: 8.9%

Five-year growth rate: 69%

Top Officer: Yuhling Lu and Tai Lin