
Top 40 Distributors 2017: No. 38 Overture Promotions

Counselor’s exclusive ranking of the distributors with the most revenue in the promo products market.

Overture Promotions (asi/288473)

Led by Heather Sanderson, Counselor’s 2015 Distributor Entrepreneur of the Year, Overture is known for its strong company culture and rapid growth. A tech leader, the company has increased its sales by $18 million since 2012.

Top 40 Distributors 2017: No. 38 Overture Promotions

2016 Rank: 38

2016 Revenue: $43.0

2015 Revenue: $42.2

Percent change: 1.9%

Five-year growth rate: 74%

Top Officer: Heather Sanderson