
Sales Boost: Step 4


Tactfully promote yourself and win new clients and more business from current customers.

Become A Vlogger: "Vlogs" are blogs in which videos are the primary medium. Use YouTube to host your "vlog" and share links to new videos through social media channels. Promote the vlog on your business card. Raise awareness about the vlog through targeted email marketing. Most importantly, ensure your vlog features videos that position you as an expert who is providing insights that help current and target customers succeed. Say you work with many clients in the music industry. Create videos that showcase unique products and/or marketing initiatives that enhance these clients' desired influence on their target audiences.

Get Involved In Media: Build relationships with journalists at your local media outlets, as well as those who produce content for industry publications. Start with an email, phone call or in-person chat directly with journalists. Position yourself as a marketing/branding expert they can turn to for quotes and insight when they're working on pieces related to those topics. Additionally, reach out to publication editors and offer to write articles or columns. Being quoted and producing content spotlights you as an expert, compelling prospects to contact you and giving you a competitive advantage when you're gunning for new business.

Speak Publicly: Serving as an expert speaker at events empowers you to get your name in front of a broader range of potential customers. Talk on topics in your areas of expertise. Speak about marketing and branding at a local chamber of commerce event. Talk at a health-care industry trade show about how hospitals can improve retention and increase employee compliance with safety/sanitary protocols through incentive programs. Also, consider going beyond your workday expertise. Maybe you're a skilled painter. Teach a painting class at a local school or gallery; casually inform attendees what you do as your day job.

Amp-Up Your Online Image: Prospects are likely to research you online, so ensure your Web persona powerfully promotes your best assets. Have a polished, well-organized, mobile-friendly website stocked with customer testimonials and client success case studies. Through social media platforms, build an image as an expert by posting original and curated content that's of value to target clientele.

The Proof Is In The Product

Nelson Penalver believes in the power of self-promotion. That belief is born of the success the owner of LOI Marketing (asi/255497) has had in driving new sales through promoting his company with the help of ad specialties. Using branded products to evangelize one's brand is especially effective: It immediately demonstrates that logoed giveaways get attention and gives prospects product ideas. "I've generated a bunch of orders through these self-promotions," says Penalver.
  Recently, he sparked sales through an initiative that involved giving away approximately 250 quality cloths used to clean the screens of mobile devices. The cloths came in a business-card sized plastic pouch. The product included the LOI logo and contact information. Penalver gave the cloths out in person. His approach compelled some prospects to order the cloth for their own promotions, while also helping to lay the initial groundwork for sales of different products to other recipients. Says Penalver: "We're seeing a real return on investment."

Strategic Self-Promotion

One of the best ways to promote yourself is through advertising specialties. When doing so, follow these tips:

Promote with products that are useful.
Deliver products that are new and unique – something prospects have not seen before.
Invest in quality merchandise. "Cheap stuff makes the wrong impression," says Penalver.
When possible, give recipients the product in person. This opens the door to a sales opportunity.

Watch This

video where Ryan Spanger, video marketing expert, gives you tips for self-promoting through YouTube.

Read This

Email Marketing Rules: The Fine Art of Shameless Self-Promotion by Margot Potter for insightful (and humorous) self-promotion tips.

❑ Conceive a cost-effective self-promotion you can launch in the coming weeks.
❑ In the months ahead, attempt to track the ROI of your self-promotion investment.

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