
4 Questions To Ask Before Making A Sale

4 Questions To Ask Before Making A Sale
Step 1

What’s the timeframe? If you don’t know when the customer needs the product, you don’t know which ones to sell them. Some products can be made faster than others, so if you have a rush order, you’ve got to show ones that can be delivered.

Step 2

What’s the quantity needed? If you sell 1,000 of something and a supplier only has 800 of the item, then you can’t fulfill the order. So be sure to identify how many products the customer needs and then verify with the supplier before you go through with the sale.

Step 3

What’s the budget? This is very important because you don’t want to show a $10 item for a customer that has a $2 budget; you’re just wasting your time if you do that.

Step 4

What’s it for? Find out what the promotion is that the products will be used for, as well as what the customer wants to accomplish with it and who the audience is that will be receiving this product.