
5 Tips for a Prosperous Business

Prepare to Prosper with these tips.

Step 1
First, you have to diversify your base. I speak from experience here. At one time, 35% of my business was with the Dallas Times Herald. Then the newspaper closed. I was devastated. Ever since that day, I resolved to increase the number of clients I work with, and you should, too.

Step 2
Next, remember to update your look. Keep your appeal fresh by using different photos of yourself in emails and by changing up your company’s logo and taglines from time to time. When customers get something that’s new, it makes them look closer.

Step 3
Always plan a daily schedule. If you go into a day without being organized, you won’t accomplish much at all. Figure out a set timeline and stick to it. If you have a sales call, be sure to get your presentation and samples in order the night before.

Step 4
Quit making excuses and look ahead. Things go wrong – it happens to everyone. Don’t dwell on the past and stop getting defensive about stuff. Clients don’t care who’s at fault. Holding onto bad memories isn’t productive and can keep you from seizing other sales opportunities.

Step 5
Finally, know this: The worst enemy of sales is a lack of follow-up. If you say you’re going to get back to someone, do it. Be as specific as you can about timing. Don’t let client questions linger. If you don’t know something, be honest and go find the answer.

Choose the Right Suppliers

This lesson always bears repeating: To be successful, pick the right suppliers. You know you can find reputable suppliers by using ASI’s ESP tool ( Remember, besides looking at how a supplier has been rated in six different areas, ESP also lets you read comments from other distributors who’ve used this supplier. So, if you read a number of comments about a supplier who’s making continual imprinting mistakes and isn’t very good about fixing problems, you want to know that before you place your client’s order with that company.