
I Earned My MASI: Sharon Lynn Unger

Sharon Lynn Unger is the director of sales and marketing for Wicked Branding & Graphix (asi/359902). She earned her MASI in October 2017.

I Earned My MASI: Sharon Lynn Unger

Who do you admire most or strive to emulate?
I admire people like Princess Diana and her boys. I love how they do so much for people; they’re not ruled by their titles, but by making the world a better place.

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, what would it be about and who would play you?
Sandra Bullock would play me. It would be about a single mom teaching her daughter to give back and be a good person, since we are all in this together.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
Give back to the community and the community will give back to you.

What’s on your business and personal bucket list?
I don't have a list because I live my life like every day is my last. I do everything I want; I'm not going to wait, because life is not promised. So I'm living it the best I can.

What’s one sentence you’d like to hear from your boss?
I'll be honest: The best one was "You're fired," because it gave me the drive to start my own company.

What would you do with your “15 minutes” of fame?
I’ve already have had my 15 minutes several times over. I wasn't into it – I prefer to be behind the scenes, not in front of the camera!