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Wearables Talk With Lee Romano Sequeira

Wearables chatted with Lee Romano Sequeira, co-owner of Philadelphia-based Sparkle Plenty Designs (asi/88444), about her business challenges and successes as well as the best advice she’s ever received.

If you had to describe yourself using three words, they would be…
LRS: Passionate, compassionate, funny.

Share your biggest current challenge you’re experiencing at work.
LRS: We’re launching a new line of our own shirts that give back, and we really want to make a splash with them.

What’s the single most significant factor, that your organization controls, that’s fueling your success?
LRS: Our attention to detail with every design.

What’s the best business-related compliment you’ve received? 
LRS: Someone cried when they saw how beautiful their custom shirts turned out.

If you could eliminate one thing from your daily work schedule, what would it be and why?
LRS: This may sound crazy, but I need a few more work hours in my day!

What’s your company doing well that you’re really proud of? 
LRS: Giving back to causes we care about -- it makes all of our work even more worthwhile to help others in need.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? 
LRS: Take life one day at a time and enjoy each and every moment.


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