
Distributors, Decorators Share Social Media Tips

Distributors, Decorators Share Social Media Tips

The June issue of Wearables was all about how to navigate the ever-changing landscape of social media. We took an in-depth look at the most common mistakes people make online and how to prevent them, how to create killer videos and more.

Our readers also had some great insights to share. Angelica May, social media manager for Axis Promotions (asi/128263) in New York City, says creating quality content is key, even in the business-to-business space. “Our clients produce business-to-consumer social media posts,” she writes. “They are up to date on lifestyle, photography, graphic and retail trends, and expect your posts to reflect these trends, too.”

It’s also important to plan ahead, creating annual goals to strive for and putting together a thoughtful posting calendar, May notes. “We try to post to each of our social media accounts at least three times a week to stay relevant and in our followers’ feeds,” she adds.

For many of our readers, Facebook is the app of choice. J and J Marketing Kompany in Jeffersonville, IN, uses Facebook to check for upcoming events in the region, says Jason Kitten. “We’ll message them or shoot them an email seeing if they need anything printed or promotional items for events,” he writes. He adds that his company gets a great response when it messages restaurants and breweries on Facebook and asks if they need shirts, banners or other items printed.

Howard Potter of A&P Master Images in Utica, NY, holds contests with giveaways and shares examples of the company’s work on Facebook and Twitter. “Social media also allows our customers to talk about our work and review us to inform others about our customer service and quality,” he adds.