
Donald Trump Hat Cake Causes Facebook Firestorm, Drives Sales

If it’s true that there’s no such thing as bad press, then Traub’s Bakery in Pennsylvania is doing alright.

Their latest treat, a controversial Donald Trump “Make America Great Again” hat cake, is selling like, well, hot cakes thanks to a social media post and the firestorm it created.

"(Cake Designer) Deneen Ciancaglini approached me yesterday and said, ‘Can I post this on Facebook?’ And I said, ‘Sure, why not?’ I didn’t even give it a thought as to what would happen,” said David Bolner, Traub’s owner.

The resulting post of the cake design generated over 2,000 Likes and nearly 1,000 comments, both for and against the dessert. Take a look at some of the Facebook comments, below:

Despite the social media firestorm, the word spread fast and cakes began flying off the shelves. So many, in fact, that the company could not keep up with demand and had to post this on their Facebook page:

As word continued to spread, news networks like CBS Philly caught wind of the cake controversy and paid Traub’s a visit. Watch their video coverage, below, and read more about it here.