
Facebook Contest Brings Out Creative Best

On Monday, April 3, we posted a contest on our Facebook page asking users to name a movie, but to replace one word of the movie title with a promotional product. For example: Raiders of the Lost Lanyards. With a randomly drawn $25 gift card at stake, the submissions came in at a steady clip, with many of them being nothing short of brilliant. Said one poster, Dawn Loiacono Nakash: "Such good ones. Made my afternoon and I shared the most creative!"

The following are few choice selections from that very creative cache of posts (See all of them here):

In the end, Nancy Payne was randomly chosen as the contest winner, but that doesn’t mean the party’s over. If you think you’ve got a clever one, feel free to go to our Facebook page now and submit your own – if it’s really good we’ll add it to this page!