
Office Organization Tips: Best Ways to Declutter Your Desktop

Have 15 minutes to spare? De-clutter your cyber desktop. Organization expert Martin Johnson of the Clutter Buster Center and author of Bust Clutter Out of Your Life: Renew Your Life, House and Spirit, gives advice on reducing stress by doing something as simple as organizing your desktop. Johnson says in addition to organizing your physical workspace, it’s important to organize your cyberspace, and one easy task is to delete icons that are not needed. Here are some of the best ways to organize your desktop:

  • Group together similar utilities and software on one side of the desktop.
  • Place work folders in one block for easy access.
  • Make sure the desktop background image doesn’t conflict with icons. Even try some organizational desktop wallpaper.
  • Uninstall programs that are of no use. This will de-clutter computer storage space.