
Meet A Square With An Attitude

Discover how to turn the Southwest staple of a bandanna into a dual-purpose promo for anyone.

Teach your clients to give gifts that satisfy their customers’ craving for fun and function. Here are five application ideas and selling tips:



1. Be mindful when drinking.
When you sell, keep in mind the activity going on around the product being promoted. Anytime a beverage is being enjoyed, there’s likely an event going on or a meal being consumed. A bandanna makes a lovely napkin, invitation, flag to wave in excitement or memento. It can even become a little tablecloth! Beverage brands such as Mountain Dew, Starbucks, Crown Royal, Tito’s Vodka, Bud Light, Coors Light and Jack Daniel’s have all “tied one on” with a bandanna promotion.

Meet A Square With An Attitude


2. Think beyond human.
Bandannas are great for pets too. Approximately 3.2 million shelter animals are adopted each year, according to the ASPCA. That’s a whole lot of bandannas to sell. A collar channel can even be sewn right into the top hem to make the bandanna extra functional. Don’t just think of humane societies and groomers — banks, real estate companies, pet-friendly restaurants and hotels will love these as well. Now that’s a bow-wow worthy idea!



3. Cash in with colorful awareness.
Companies are spending an average of $693 per employee for wellness-based incentives, according to a 2015 Fidelity Investments/National Business Group on Health survey. An imprinted bandanna is an effective reminder that employees can wear or hang on the wall of their office. It could highlight goals, important steps in a healthcare plan, healthy food choices or a team motto.

The bandanna could also signify an awareness month and color.

Meet A Square With An Attitude

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