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Cover Item: Multimedia Look

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Today’s fashion is receiving a funky ’70s overhaul, and we bring it to life in our Fall Fashion Preview with help from Trimark Sportswear Group (asi/92122; circle 88 on Free Info Card). The supplier used its signature multimedia decoration capabilities on its Holt long-sleeve T-shirt (W97886).

Birds of a Feather

In creating the design, Trimark looked for popular graphical elements from the ’70s, including flowers and peacocks. “We wanted to capture the bright, fun, colorful playfulness of the era, while showcasing our ability to create an extremely customized fashion piece, created with domestic decoration,” says Jessica Leung, an imagineer with Trimark.

Standing Out

Trimark used traditional embroidery for the peacock head and wool embroidery for the stitching of the flowers and the outline of the peacock tail. “Using wool stitch, we wanted to emulate a hand-sewn aesthetic on to the garment,” says Leung. “The bold black stitch allows for it to stand out on top of the floral design. We digitized a gradient peacock head, and embroidery allowed for textured color pops in the tail design.”

Wrap Party

The Holt shirt is designed to work with Trimark’s inFusion decoration technique, which offers unlimited colors and no hand-feel. It was used for the flowers and the base of the peacock. “The flowers seamlessly wrap over the side seams on the right body, and left shoulder,” Leung says, “showcasing the atypical locations we can accomplish using inFusion.”

Decoration Tip:Leung says a classic multimedia look is to use a company icon as a base and a logo on top or vice versa. But there of plenty of other possibilities, including taglines, core values, and supporting brand elements. “If the company wants to explore a more creative approach,” she says, “we have created an inFusion Drop Art Book for industry-specific ideas, and also trending retail looks. Pairing secondary elements, such as distressed tire marks with an off-road vehicle company, creates an immediate custom piece, with a more approachable retail appeal.”

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