
Top 40 Distributors 2023: No. 1 4imprint

Counselor’s exclusive ranking of the distributors with the most revenue in the promo products market.


Company Snapshot

Revenue figures are in $millions

Previous Rank: 2
2022 Revenue: $1,120.5
2021 Revenue: $773.7
Year-Over-Year Difference: 44.8%
2020 Revenue: $549.9
2019 Revenue: $839.3
Top Company Officer: Kevin Lyons-Tarr, CEO
Year Founded: 1985
Headquarters: Oshkosh, WI
Financials Certified By: David Seekings, CFO

4imprint makes history by taking pole position in a year in which the Top 40 list features billion-dollar distributors for the first time. The London-based firm achieved a 45% year-over-year North American sales increase by processing 30% more orders in 2022 and upping average order value by 5%. The distributorship acquired 307,000 new clients, a 17% increase over 2021. High-profile marketing/advertising campaigns that included television commercials on major networks helped raise 4imprint’s profile with prospects. And it wasn’t just topline success for 4imprint. In 2022, the distributor’s global profit after tax was $80.14 million – a 254% year-over-year increase. Earnings per share were about $2.85, up from $0.80 in 2021. On the ESG front, 4imprint was recertified as a CarbonNeutral company by Climate Impact Partners and installed a 2,660-panel solar array to help power operations at its Oshkosh, WI, distribution center. Notably, 4imprint last year acquired Wisconsin-based screen printer Fox Graphics Ltd. The purchase wasn’t a revenue add – Fox’s main customer was already 4imprint – but rather an operational move that enables 4imprint to bring screen printing in-house.