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Sales Boost Quiz

Our quiz and tips will help put you on course for improved professional and personal success and well-being.

Our quiz and tips will help put you on course for improved professional and personal success and well-being.

Are You Living in Balance?

Answer key: Always = 3; Sometimes = 2; Rarely = 1; Never = 0

"Answer key"" Always Sometimes Rarely Never
Do you feel you have enough time for yourself?
Do you feel you have adequate time for family and friends?
Do you feel in control, like you can handle your responsibilities?
Do you get enough sleep?
Do you manage work responsibilities in a way that allows you to be present at important family events?
Do you have sufficient time for hobbies and pursuits that interest you?
Do you allow yourself to “let go” of work at some point each day so you can enjoy other aspects of your life?
Do you make appropriate use of vacation time, taking days off to travel and/or do things you like?
Do you do what you do in your professional and personal life for more than just money – because you get some fulfillment/enjoyment from it?
Do you have a good sense of who you are and why you are on the career/life path that you are on?

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