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Sandvertisers from ColorStrike/Liquid Technologies

Q: Please give us some company background.

A: Born to be different, unconventional, non-competitive, we have always strived to be the place distributors can go to find the coolest products and greatest ideas. Our standard operating procedure is you tell us who you are working with and we’ll tailor our products and manufacturing expertise to fit that company and give you impressive virtuals and samples to go blow their socks off.

Q: Which products are hot sellers right now?

A: We kind of run a steady stream of orders, not only for our Sandvertisers (a different type stress reliever in which the sand falls through to reveal a logo), fun Liquid Coasters and Liquid Notebooks, but for quite a few of our other one-of-kind items. Our various unique mouse pads are still great sellers as computer use at the business desk is still strong, and our twist on mouse pads ensure great, full-color graphic logo placement directly in that important desk real estate area. I have always said if you are going to spend promotional dollars on a mouse pad, it better be cool and sure to replace the one users already have.

We offer Lily-Padz, our original liquid motion mouse pad floaters and Combo Pads, which are subsurface-printed mouse pads with welded edges and a wrist cushion attached. The twist is the wrist cushion can be filled with the client’s product of choice. We have done coffee beans, grass seed, beach sand, cotton, corn, golf tees, specialty sand products, liquid with floaters, liqui-gel beads and more. We also offer transparent mouse pads with X-ray images that are great for the countless areas of radiology-related business today.

Q: What are some of the top markets for your Sandvertisers?

A: Mainly the business-to-business sector, ranging from finance to travel to health care, banking, education and manufacturing. There really is no one specific market, as I think we have produced products for almost any sector you can name. The key is what The Sandvertiser does and where it goes. It communicates a logo and brand message in a unique way and it stays on the desk. A distributor recently told me their education client wanted to re-order Sandvertisers but found out from the recipients they still had the ones they did 10 years ago right there on their desks. That’s staying power. That’s what I call promotional value. The good news is this year they chose to use another of our cool desk items.

Q: What makes these products unique?

A: The recipient is entranced watching sand fall through and reveal a company or brand logo on one side and then they flip it over as flowing colored sand reveals a company message on the other side. Example: Budweiser on top – flip it – “King of Beers” on the bottom. Basic, but virtually every company has a logo and key message to communicate. Also, as a bonus, there is the band area around the outside where we can screen contact information or additional logos or taglines if needed. Or maybe inside is a question on one side and an answer on the other and the band has a logo and Web address.

Q: What features should distributor sales reps note when pitching your products to clients?

A: We have five styles to choose from: Original, square, hour-glass shaped, globe shaped and a two-color version that allows for two different colors of sand and a larger band imprint area. We can mold the plastic band and flow-through message plates in any color. We have stock and custom-color sands and offer special packaging options. We also offer unique twists like camo and chrome-plated bands and message flow plates. We can really make The Sandvertiser speak for a brand.

Q: Can you tell us about a specific promotion for which your products were used?

A: Sandvertisers are great teasers for corporate events, incentive trips and national conferences. One example would be the conference or company name on one flow message plate and the event dates and city on the other flow message plate. Then the band areas are used for important websites and phone numbers that relate to the trade show or upcoming conference or incentive travel destination. Organizations also hype up this year’s conference city – city name on one flow plate, city skyline on the other flow plate – conference name and dates on the band. We also have been doing a lot with customers’ sand-like products being what is used for the sand inside, so they get their message and their sample on their clients’ desks – not bad.

Andy Mackay
Technologies (asi/45820)

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