
Reader Feedback

Our readers, Tweeters and Facebook fans weigh in on Advantages and more.

Perfectly Flawed

Every month, I enjoy reading your Editor’s Letter. September’s, however, was one of your recent best letters. You honestly acknowledged, “I’m not perfect.” While I sometimes think I am more perfect than I really am, it is hard to acknowledge, until I make a mistake with a customer.

Your honest acknowledgement, and your summation and exhortation in the final paragraph, was simply wonderfully written, with no buzz words, industry jargon or hyperbole. Enjoyable. Thanks.

Mike Gamber
Kaeser & Blair, Inc.

Even though you’re not perfect, you have good taste. Thanks for reading!

Good Deeds Indeed

Dear Editor:

I felt the need to share with you the recent good deeds of two of our suppliers. 

One of my long-time clients, a small Catholic school, was recently struck by a tornado. Most all items, chairs, doors, desks, flooring, etc. on the first floor of the building were deemed unsafe and had to be thrown away. The school was closed for a week while teachers and cleaning crews tried to make it safe enough for the kids to return. 

Within hours of being let in the building, I got the frantic call; the field day gifts for the kids were destroyed by the flooding. Knowing they had no budget, I promised I would try to help. 

I was surprised and amazed when both Aakron Rule (asi/30270) and Eyevertising (asi/57371) came to the rescue. Aakron Rule replaced 1,000 rulers and 1,000 pencils and delivered them to the school in less than a week. Eyevertising made 600 new pairs of sunglasses, charging only for the shipping! I was amazed by their generosity. Never before had I asked for any sort of a favor like this. I was not sure what to expect. I had hoped they might give me a discount or EQP or some sort of break, but these suppliers listened and helped a school in need. 

I thought highly of them already because of their customer service and great products. What they did to help my client was above and beyond what would ever be expected. It speaks volumes. They did it knowing they may never be recognized. I will certainly do what I can to send more business their way. 

Kerry Anne Cianciolo
Kablam Promotions

Awesome! Thanks for sharing,

Kerry Anne.

Fun on Facebook

Team Advantages asked ASI Central’s Facebook fans, what’s your fantasy football team’s name?

Laurie O’Shea Motivators Meadowlands Mom (won last year!)

Ryan Schade Number One Playas

Danny Rosin The Fire Breathing Rainbow Ponies.

Patrick Spanky-Murtaugh 

Hurricane Ditka

Jc Imaginations Beach Bums

Elaine Avigliano Crown Crushers

Caitlyn Taylor Turn Down for Watt

Jim Freund Super Sweepers (I’m a curler)