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Food & Drink

According to ASI’s most recent Corporate Gift Spending Survey, food and beverages are an increasingly popular choice for holiday gifts. Representing 27.5% of the gifts companies planned to give in 2014 – a nearly nine-point annual jump – the Food & Drink category is the third-most popular choice for saying thank you to clients, prospects and employees.

Hyping Hydration

Hydration is important. To make that point abundantly clear, Sparta Community Hospital in Sparta, IL, recently held an event to promote hydration and they needed a product to help them convince their community to drink more water during summer months.

Event organizers contacted Dan Russell, senior account executive with Blue Sky Marketing Group (asi/141930), and worked with him to select just the right product from a vast number of choices. In the end, the durability of the 12-oz. reusable plastic cup from Visstun (asi/93975) won them over, as did the high-definition, full-color prints Visstun specializes in. An order for 5,000 of the dishwasher-safe cup was placed and the important event went off as planned. “The cups were beautiful!” the client afterwards told Russell.

Sparta Community Hospital has gone on to use the cups as part of health fairs and community education programs. The item’s popularity is especially enhanced, the client says, by the fact that it can be reused and machine-washed. The hospital buyer Russell works with even uses the cup daily and marvels at the strength of its construction and the longevity of its full-color, all-over imprint. “No fading, no leaks,” she says. “I will definitely reorder.”

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