
Atlantis Match Company

Strike up hot sales with this Texas supplier of match boxes, coasters and more.

Strike up hot sales with this Texas supplier of match boxes, coasters and more.

Atlantis Match Company (asi/37390) is the go-to domestic supplier for matchbooks, match boxes, coasters and more, and has made a name for itself in quality products and exceptional customer service since the 1960s.

“We’re the last remaining producer of promotional matches in North America,” says President Jonathan Bradley of his Euless, TX-based company in the Dallas suburbs. “And, we’re the only USA-owned manufacturer of pulp-board coasters.” Atlantis Match’s complete product line includes matchbooks, match boxes, coasters, tissues, scratch books, toothpick boxes and napkins, and now the new domestically made “square tube” matchbox (BX6). “Oftentimes, customers will order multiple products with the same end-user imprint, so we offer a multiple product 10% discount,” says Bradley. “Our line has a variety of cost-effective branding options, and with multiple products, end-users can create a complete brand identity.”

Atlantis Match has worked hard to keep production on domestic shores because of the many inherent benefits for distributors and end-buyers when compared to importing. “We offer fast delivery, short turnaround times, quality control and responsiveness to customers,” says Bradley. “We also provide quality jobs to good people who are proud to make things here in America. We think it’s important for our company, and the country, to add as much value as possible. By manufacturing in the USA, we can be most responsive to our customers’ needs.”

Clockwise from left to right: 60pt. Heavyweight Full Color Coaster (COCMYK), 36pt. Standard-weight Pantone Color Coaster (COPO36); Standard Domestic Matchboxes (BXQ)
The Square Tube Match Box (BX6)

In addition, Atlantis Match’s useful products naturally become an important part of an end-user’s branding efforts, and are then consistently reordered from the distributor. “When an establishment starts using matches or coasters, they feel the need to always have them available for their customers,” says Bradley. “Matches and coasters are an expected and inexpensive promotional souvenir that’s also a highly effective promotion. Our products are consumables and get turned quickly, so for a distributor, the orders keep coming!” For those end-buyers who become reliable reorders, distributors can also suggest other items from the supplier’s lineup to supplement their tried-and-true choices.

Furthermore, the usefulness of Atlantis Match items helps influence first-time customers to become repeat, loyal clients. “I met one of my best distributor clients at an industry trade show in Las Vegas 13 years ago,” says Bradley. “He approached our booth for pricing on two cases of stock-color matchbooks for a restaurant and beer garden in his hometown. He was optimistic about getting the order thanks to our quick production time compared to our competitors that import from overseas.”

A few days later, Atlantis Match shipped the order, planning on following up with the first-time customer in the months ahead. But they didn’t have to wait that long.

“Only about four weeks later, we received a repeat order and the business kept building from there,” says Bradley. “When we added coasters to our line about six years ago, this distributor presented and sold those too, but now, instead of a single location, the end-user had grown to eight high-volume locations! We now ship 10 cases of matches and 30 cases of coasters every month. The designs change periodically to promote new drinks, specials and events, but as the end-user’s business has grown, matches and coasters have always been central to their marketing thanks to this distributor’s good work.”

Case Studies

A vintage clothing retailer was looking for a way to brand itself as a locator of hard-to-find items, and decided that they resembled a book store offering rare books. “They had us create a series of matchboxes designed to look like iconic, out-of-print books,” says Jonathan Bradley, president of Atlantis Match Company (asi/37390). “We packaged them in a mini bookshelf and it’s now a sought-after souvenir from their stores.” In another instance, a Napa Valley winery wanted to promote the ways that consumers could enjoy their products. The winery asked Atlantis Match to create large, rectangular 60pt. coasters with printed tasting notes for each wine they offer. They now carry a gift pack of coasters as a thank you to visitors for purchasing wine in their company store. Finally, the management of a new restaurant in New York wanted to ensure repeat visits from guests after the grand opening. They ordered 36pt. round coasters printed with a free drink offer for their next meal. “Customers take the coaster home and bring it back for the special!” says Bradley.