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New From ASI Long Beach

The 2014 Long Beach show highlights included a wow-worthy keynote from artist Erik Wahl; an education day class from business speaker Johnny Campbell, as well as new products found on the show floor.

Breakthrough Creativity

There’s a reason the ASI Show mascot is a giant exclamation point. It’s because of exciting speakers like Erik Wahl, speed artist and author of the book Unthink: Rediscover Your Creative Genius, whose keynote speech extolled the practical virtues of unpredictable creativity.

Wahl urged his listeners to combine the artist’s quicksilver imagination with the actionable planning of a businessperson, while demonstrating his own rapid-fire abilities by conjuring a portrait of U2’s Bono in mere minutes. The adjective “awesome” was not an uncommon response from attendees who were inspired to bring Wahl’s boundary-breaking approach into their own businesses.

Other highlights included “Transition Man” and acclaimed business speaker Johnny Campbell, and industry favorite David Blaise. The recently inaugurated live version of “The Joe Show” showcased unique new products and great promotional ideas from industry suppliers.

Gathered here are a few more of the items that helped provide the excitement at the show.

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