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Rising Temperature

When Linda Reizen, owner of Chicago-based distributor Your Presents Requested (asi/365446), needed a unique product for a well-respected legal client, she already knew where to go.

“I had met Seth [Landsberger, president of sales for Sci-Pro Awards & Promotions (asi/84348)] previously through another promotion for the same law firm,” Reizen says. “He sent me samples of his other products and I was immediately drawn to the Galileo thermometers.”

Reizen’s client wanted something special to send as a holiday gift to its own clients, and the positive reception to her previous collaboration with Sci-Pro made them an obvious choice. “We knew that we wanted a desktop item that would not get lost on a cluttered desk,” she says. The supplier’s 13-inch Galileo thermometer (product GAL-13-CH) was certainly a standout item, but Reizen also notes its quality construction and high perceived value as decisive factors in her choice. The item’s functionality also ensured it would get plenty of attention.

“The client was very pleased with the response from the recipients of the Galileo thermometers,” Reizen says. So much so, in fact, that Reizen’s client sent a thermometer as a housewarming gift to a prospective client of its own, which itself was so well-received that it eventually led to a “significant” repeat order for Reizen and her legal client. “They intend to keep a number of the Galileo thermometers in their office to use as need arises.”

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