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The Fit Included Bandit from LogoIncluded

Lynn Taylor (answering Q&A) Marketing Manager LogoIncluded (asi/67837)

Q. Please give us some company background.

A. LogoIncluded has been rated a leading supplier to the promotional industry for almost 15 years. We specialize in unique tech-related products, so it’s not surprising that we have the reputation of “first to market” on many products we offer. Our company-owned factory in Shenzhen, China gives our customers a secure and direct channel to better quality and faster turns.

Q. How does your Bandit fitness band work?

A. Using the latest wearable technology, data is collected from a three-axis accelerometer that monitors and logs all body movements. Data is then transmitted wirelessly via Bluetooth 4.0 to the Fit Included application where personalized information such as age, height and weight are used in conjunction with the data collected and processed through Fit Included’s advanced algorithms for detailed analysis and translation.

Simply put, the Fit Include Bandit is a wearable band that monitors all your body’s movements – sitting, walking, running and even how much and what type of sleep you get. The Fit Included app then presents all the data to you in an easy-to- read and understand format telling you about your daily fitness.Additional features such as daily goals, weekly and monthly trends, BMI calculators, fitness reminders, daily alarms and social media sharing all help make the Fit Included Bandit the ultimate tool to keep you motivated and improve your health.

Q. What makes it unique?

A. There are many types and brands of fitness bands on the market today. The Fit Included Bandit brings the same exciting technology and features of these wearables to the promotional gift market at one-half to one-third the cost of other brands. Features include free easy-to-use software, universally accepted charging ports and a great place for a logo.

Q. How can this product be used in promotions?

A. With an obesity epidemic and millions suffering from chronic diseases, a host of companies are offering employee wellness programs that reward workers when they take steps toward a healthier lifestyle. These programs can save companies hundreds of thousands of dollars in health-care costs. For employees, participating in a wellness program reduces health insurance premiums, saves money on medical costs and can even get them points to redeem for merchandise. The Fit Included Bandit is the perfect match for both businesses and individuals wanting to start or improve their wellness program. At the same time a corporate message or logo is worn daily by all Fit Included users, providing the ultimate in branding.

Fit Included has worked with Frozen Beverage Dispensers (FBD), a mid-sized manufacturer with over 400 employees. Their previous wellness program required employees to manually log and turn in time sheets regarding their exercising to earn wellness badges. This was time consuming. At the same time, the wellness program helped lower overall medical insurance costs by as much as 20%. The Fit Included Bandit was all they were missing. Gone are the daily log sheets. Now administrators can view the progress of users through the use of the Fit Included apps and reward and promote a healthier lifestyle. Plus, everyone wears a health band promoting the FBD name and healthy lifestyle image they want everyone to be reminded of.

Here are the screenshot of the app at work

Please Note

Logo Included ( has a dedicated site (, which spotlights the app, functionality, comparisons, etc. in more detail.

Top Markets

  • Health Clubs/Sports Complex
  • Weight-Loss Centers
  • Medical Professionals (Cardiologists, Rehab Centers, etc.)
  • Nonprofit Organizations (The Heart Association, Cancer Society)
  • Schools or Teachers (Biggest Loser Contests)
  • NFL, NBA, NCAA, NBL, etc.
  • Corporate Promo Stores