
Distributor Salesperson of the Year Finalist - Kris Palmer

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Kris Palmer may be a grandmother of seven, but she lives and works with the energy and ambition of the most eager new college graduates.

Indeed, her uncommon creativity and burning drive to succeed has propelled her into the upper echelon of industry sales professionals. An annual multimillion-dollar biller, this 16-year veteran of the ad specialty business has powered her career to enviable heights by continually providing solutions that drive ROI.

“It can be easy to fall into the trap of being an order taker,” Palmer says. “But we should never settle for mediocrity. The road to success is made with a lot of elbow grease. It’s harder, but the rewards are much greater.”

Partnering with businesses in industries that range from aviation to financial, Palmer’s an ace at building lucrative long-term relationships – an achievement she accomplishes by crafting branded initiatives based on a client’s business, industry, differentiators and goals.

“When you take a consultative approach, the trust develops naturally, and when clients trust you implicitly, real partnerships form,” says Palmer, whose expansive portfolio of business includes everything from Web-based programs to servicing brick-and-mortar gift shops. “The support I get from our team at Grapevine Designs  (asi/212829) is essential to making it happen.”

While professional success is important, Palmer says it’s paramount to live balanced. Beyond remaining faithful to her rigorous exercise routine, she plans to equilibrate in 2016 through her growing family. “We have two more grandchildren on the way,” says Palmer. “I plan to enjoy the moment with my grandbabies.”

Kris’ best advice: Challenge yourself to be the best consultative seller you can be on every order.