
Market: Casino Buyers - Program: Bakeware

A Newton Manufacturing Company (asi/283300) sales representative attended the 2012 Casino Marketing Conference in Las Vegas to try and garner more business with a line of exclusive bakeware. The rep had the challenge of making already loyal casino marketing departments open to the idea of a new promotional product distributor. “Our objective was to break into untapped targeted casino buyers,” says Dan Livengood, senior sales manager of Newton Manufacturing.

Newton had to do something outstanding, so they crafted the message and graphics around the temp-tations designer known as Tara. “In the temp-tations bakeware campaign, we knew there would be comprehensive involvement in planning, creating and executing the marketing activities associated with this celebrity-endorsed event,” says Livengood. Their goal was to attract the attention of 300 decision-making casino executives in the limited space available between meetings and education sessions. Newton used uniformly branded marketing collateral, an at-show giveaway and prepared and educated staff to engage attendees.

And it worked. Within just six months, there were approximately $1 million worth of temp-tations bakeware revenue. “It’s not always about the tradeshow booth,” adds Livengood. To create this success, Newton used multiple tactics to reach their potential clients including drawings, on-site demonstrations and investments in brochures and business cards. They worked tirelessly to make their campaign as large as the celebrity endorsements behind it all.

Biz Tip

If you’re trying to tap into a new market, make sure you’re taking the time on the forefront to impress your prospect. It may be tough to win over a company that has a strong relationship with a distributor. In this case, Newton found success by focusing on more than just the trade show booth. Think about how your pitch can go above in the presentation.