
Editor’s letter - Embrace the Smack-Down

Barbara Corcoran, along with Kevin O’Leary, two of the stars from the popular ABC reality show Shark Tank, gave a standing-room-only crowd at the ASI Show Orlando important advice that all business professionals should heed: “To turn an idea into a business, you need an entrepreneur that simply loves being smacked down and getting back up again,” Corcoran said when asked what makes a company successful. “They just need to relish that, and know that their next opportunity is going to be the big one.”

Indeed, she said these words should be posted on the walls of every business today. Corcoran and O’Leary, the vibrant keynote speakers I had the opportunity to see at the January show, provided the audience with an array of provocative advice for the new year.

Do you relish the smack-down? Most people don’t. But some are able to embrace it, laugh at it, learn from it, and come right back again for more. As Corcoran told the audience, the key to success in business today is flexibility combined with the ability to overcome any adversity that comes your way. And, as 2014 is getting underway, it’s an important message to always remember. Success isn’t always determined by the best product or the best service or the best marketing plan. It can often come directly from an entrepreneur’s vision and drive.

“The most successful entrepreneurs are so driven to succeed that they don’t let anything get in their way,” Corcoran told the hosts of ASI Radio ( during a recent interview. “And, they’re flexible enough with their plans so that they don’t ever miss good opportunities.”

The ability to capitalize on opportunities when they’re in front of you is vital right now. Clients are increasing their marketing budgets, companies are hiring. Opportunities for sales of promotional products are plentiful. Are you driven and flexible enough to capitalize on them?

Make sure you check out our coverage including videos from ASI Show Orlando at