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Looking Back With Gratitude: A 2021 Retrospective

Members of the Diversity and Inclusion Council at ASI share what they’re grateful for as the year draws to a close, and what they’re most looking forward to in 2022.

We had all hoped that we’d leave COVID-19 behind in 2020. Yet this past year brought not only more variants but also related challenges. Supply chain disruption, staff shortages, inflation and travel delays tested our patience all over again. But there’s been a silver lining to the ongoing frustration and worry: we’ve tapped into newfound gratitude for the things that really matter, like loved ones, good health and new experiences, even in the midst of the ongoing uncertainty.

We asked members of ASI’s Diversity and Inclusion Council about what they’re most thankful for as they reflect on 2021 and look forward to a new year.

Cristina Alcine

Cristina Alcine

Advertising/Marketing Services Coordinator, Production and Advertising Operations

I’m most thankful for quality time spent with my friends and family. Since the pandemic, I no longer take it for granted. I’ve learned the importance of being present and engaged in the moment, and I’m looking forward to celebrating the holidays with my family in Florida. In 2022, I’m excited to create even more memories with the people who mean the most to me.

Bob DeFord

Bob DeFord

Senior Vice President, Distributor Sales and Marketing

I’m most thankful for my family. My wife and three boys have shown amazing resilience; we’ve all had to adjust to new work environments and virtual classrooms. The biggest challenge was probably for my wife who had to deal with all of us being home! I’ll celebrate by spending time with my wife and boys as well as my parents, in-laws, brother, sisters and friends. I’m most looking forward to 2022 as one step closer to never hearing the phrase “supply chain challenges” ever again (at least we can hope). I’m also looking forward to seeing my oldest son continue in a career he loves, my middle son graduate college and my youngest get ready for his senior year in high school.

Samantha Humes

Samantha Humes

Marketing Content Manager, Marketing Services

I’m immensely grateful for every beautiful thing I’ve encountered this past year: seeing the world through my daughter’s eyes as she experiences things for the very first time; watching my mom battle a degenerative disease and tap into courage and strength I never knew she had; witnessing my husband overcome obstacles in his career and grow as a leader; and being front-and-center as my brother married someone wonderful. I’m grateful for the struggles this year brought that forced me to grow and adapt into a more healed and more honest version of myself. I’m also just so, so thankful for pie.

Virginia Lucas

Virginia Lucas

User Experience Interaction Designer, Product Management and User Experienc

I’m thankful for the ability to safely gather in-person with my family and friends. I’m also grateful to ASI for being a company that values its employees’ safety and well-being and makes an effort to listen to their feedback in order to continuously improve. I’m most looking forward to receiving additional professional medical advice as we navigate through the pandemic, as well as traveling and making memories with my family, friends and colleagues.

Caitlyn Macikanycz

Caitlyn Macikanycz

Sales Specialist, Supplier Sales and Marketing

You can’t ask me to narrow it down! I’ve been leaning into gratitude this past year and I’m at the point where pretty much everything I set my eyes on or think about, I’m grateful for. It’s a beautiful thing.

Becky Young

Becky Young

Senior Web Designer, ASI Creative Labs

It’s cliche, but I’m most thankful that my kids are both happy, healthy and hard-working. As I get older, I’m increasingly grateful for the ability to move my body, especially this past year when exercise has been incredibly therapeutic for me. Having a child with physical disabilities, I’m acutely aware of what a gift it is to be able to push the limits of my body, and I try not to take that for granted. A few years ago, I started a tradition of taking a family hike on Christmas Eve. It’s a simple way to unplug and connect before the chaos of the holidays. I’m looking forward to more adventures in 2022!